The men and women who helped build our great unionTHANK YOU RETIREES!
Brothers and Sisters,
Your years of service as a dedicated member of the IBEW brings credit to our industry, our Union, and our Nation, and we are grateful. We wish you a happy retirement and encourage you to consider joining our Retirees’ Club. A special thanks to the Club Officers, President Larry Bausola, and Vice President John Wozniak, we appreciate their work to keep us close. Thank you all for your contributions to our great union!
Best wishes,
A grateful union
Retiree Meetings
Retiree meetings are held on the third Wednesday at the IBEW Local 1 Union Hall at 10 am in the following months: March, May, July, September and November. Lunch is always provided and there are often special guest speakers or programs.
Enjoy these photos from past retiree events snapped by Brother Bausola.
Matt Lampe
(314) 677-4475
matthewclampe3 -at- gmail.com (replace -at- with @)
Vice President
John Wozniak
(314) 583-3598
The Greatest Generation
If you are a WWII veteran you are eligible to participate in the Honor Flight rewarding your Tour Of Honor. This is a one day scheduled, all expenses paid trip to Washington D.C. Retirees located in the St. Louis area are flown out of Lambert International Airport to Washington D.C. The group will tour the World War II Memorial and other memorial sights.
For individuals interested and who live in the Greater St. Louis area contact:
8050 Watson Road, Ste. 240
St. Louis, MO 63119
Information regarding the Regional Hub for those living outside of the St. Louis area, please contact the following: (937) 521-2400 www.HonorFlight.org.
A message from your Financial Secretary
Brothers and Sisters,
It is my honor to serve as your Financial Secretary. The duties of my office are detailed below, please call with any questions and we will do our best to assist you, my office is open Monday thru Friday from 7am until 4:30pm.
In Solidarity,
David A. Roth
Financial Secretary
Office: (314) 647-5900
- Processing of Early, Normal, or Disability Retirements is done by appointment only, please call the Financial Office approximately 4 months prior to your estimated retirement date to ensure plenty of time to prepare the necessary forms and prevent any delay in your processing your pension allocation.
- The administrative staff of the IBEW Local 1 maintains a list of our retirees: click here.
Sick & Hospital Benefits
(Please call the Financial Office to confirm eligibility and request an application)
- ACTIVE MEMBERS: Sick & Hospital Benefits may be available for active “A” or “BA” members who are under Plan 1 per Local 1’s bylaws. The sick benefit is $50 per day for a maximum of 80-days and the hospital benefit is $100 per day for a maximum of 20-days. To be eligible you must have worked in Local One’s jurisdiction seven hundred (700) hours in two (2) of the four (4) years preceding your application for benefits. Please know there is a waiting period for both benefits (see Bylaws Article XII, sec 1).
- RETIRED MEMBERS: Hospital Benefits may be available for retirees with 20 consecutive years at retirement who worked under the abovementioned stipulations. The benefit is $60.00 per day for a maximum of 20-days.
Fraternal Notices
- Upon notice of member deaths, a fraternal notice will be published in the St Louis Post-Dispatch. The Financial Office also assists member-families with the necessary forms to ensure they receive benefits due, if any, from the International and/or Local Union office. The administrative staff of the IBEW Local 1 maintains a list of member deaths: click here.